Tuesday, November 27, 2007

First Born

A perfect example to prove my earlier blog.

My eldest daughter is 5. She started kindergarten in September. Fast forward 8 weeks, she's now in 1st grade!

Yes, my daughter got promoted to first grade after 8 weeks in kindergarten. Proud parents we are so give me the chance to just be proud.

My Little Big Girl

Just to let you all in, my little girl who started preschool.... it's been almost 5 months now.
Yes, she never did cry and never does when we leave her at school.
She loves going to school apparently.
Her teachers say she has a very strong personality. She knows what she wants to do, and does it.
If she doesn't like to do something, she really doesn't do it. They love that she's sociable and
loves learning a lot.

My little princess, yes, she's a big girl now.

Asking myself again

1. What bill do you hate paying the most? newspaper subscription, i read the news on the internet, I don't even know why we continue to subscribe to paper
2. Where's the best place to eat a romantic dinner? Napa Valley
3. Last time you puked from drinking? Too long ago to remember, but since I'm not so old yet... Subic, circa 1999
4. Have you ever gotten drunk and danced on a bar?Oh dear, no
5. Name of your first grade teacher?Mrs. Evelyn Garcia
6. What are you doing right now?You mean besides answering these questions? Relaxing and enjoying my first weekend night
7. What did you want to be when you were growing up?I wanted to be doctor, but I ended up going to Law School. Deep inside me, I really want to be a chef. No kidding!
8. How many colleges did you attend?Solid U.P.
9. Why did you get the shirt that you have on right now?Because it's comfortable and easy to match.
10. If you could move anywhere and take someone with you where would you go?Napa Valley
11. First thought when the alarm went off this morning?How minutes I can still SNOOZE.
12. Last thought before going to sleep last night?Of how much I love my family and how I can make tomorrow a better day than today
13. Favorite style of underwear?Victoria Secret Hiphugger
14. Favorite style of underwear for the opposite sex?Boxer briefs.